
listening to: family business.the fugees

the sun is shining, the weather is finally warming up, and the geese have returned. yep, i think spring is finally here. i think i've found a bike. i have romantic ideas about bike commuting. finding the xtracycle site has made them worse. so, i think having one of their bikes would be so much fun. it would be really great if i could haul my fair stuff around town on my bike. can you imagine that? i know it's doable because i saw a guy in the xtracycle flickr group that does it. i'm amazed and excited.

lil miss and i took a nice walk this evening. we didn't go far, but my body feels like i walked ten miles. that's some craziness! walking is something we're going to keep it up. we had a nice time identifying sounds (dog barks, birds chirping, etc) and just simply talking (my baby loves to talk).

i'm thankful for the day.

love & light

1 comment:

Anne said...

Get the xtracycle - you will never regret it - I haul my arse around on mine all weeks a carry all sorts of stuff.