the weekend just sped by. lately, when saturday eve rolls around the depression rolls in & i think about how after sunday i have to go back to work. i dread walking into that office everyday. it's not a happy place for me.
this weekend, lil miss & i put up the christmas tree. we also baked cupcakes.
i started a pair of socks & anutha neckwarmer.
i was recently diagnosed with having slight carpal tunnel in both hands. i'm not in any pain (thank god), just getting the tingley/numbness of the hands thing. after this retail season is done, i plan on closing shop for a couple of months.
i've started beading. i figure i could save so much money if i make my own jewelry so that's what i'm doing. so far, i've made some waistbeads and a couple of wrap-around bracelets.
i will post up some pics soon.
i pray all is well with you.